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The Chaos


        When thinking of chaos, “go with the flow” is probably not the first phrase that comes to mind. Drawn to new and exciting challenges, flowing through chaos is my proverbial trademark. Thriving in high-speed and dynamic environments is a valuable skill I developed early on. Growing up the middle child out of five, in a split household, 20 minutes south of DC, a hectic day is just a regular day.
        Studying diligently to keep a spot on the dean’s list, I expect to graduate with a double minor and a degree in Public Relations. Excelling at interpersonal interactions, as well as being comfortable in chaotic environments, I found working in the Public Relations field to be a perfect career option.

        A strong work ethic continues to fuel and fund my education and experiences. Working on the Public Relations team for the VCU HerCampus chapter, and the marketing team for The Tobacco Company Club, all while completing 18 credits as a full-time Bachelor's student, helped me realize my aptitude for balancing work under pressure. From that, I knew a vigorous profession constantly providing new and exciting challenges is something I plan on pursuing.
        Routinely posting on social media outlets highlights my ability to express creativity and develop visual storytelling skills. Being able to utilize Adobe Suite adds an additional layer of dexterity, enhancing my media skill set. Developing graphic design techniques will keep me well-versed in current societal and media trends.
        Between media relations, interpersonal skills, and my finesse for operating in lively conditions, a future internship in a communications department is next on my list of ambitions. I look forward to contributing ingenuity and strategy, through knowledge gained in VCU's communication courses and personal life experiences. Leading the way through chaos can be a valuable asset that I plan to leverage in a career. 

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